Saturday 15 November 2014

Tips on How to Optimize Your Resume for an Applicant Tracking System

1.       Copy and paste the job ad into or to generate a tag cloud of the ad to identify the core keywords. Make sure that those keywords are on your resume.
2.       Unless specified, do not send your resume as a PDF file, and do not include textboxes, tables or graphics.
3.       Refrain from being creative or clever. Title the section that contains your work experience, “Work Experience”, for example, as that’s what the ATS is programmed to recognize.
4.       Applicant tracking systems are programmed to read company name first, so have your job tenure after the company name and position held.

1 comment:

  1. I never realized that sending your resume as a PDF could be detrimental in a tracking system. Is this true of all tracking systems or are there newer systems that aren't as sensitive to this? It seems like a pretty common format these days. Thanks for the heads up!
